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Relationship / Career / Family / Money ​/ Work/Life

Balance Nutrition / Health & Body ​/Communication​


Learn How To



  • Communicate with Confidence

  • Discover Your Purpose Driven Life—Your FATE

  • Transform Your Life Now!

  • Face new challenge or transitions proudly

  • Get more out of your personal or work life

  • Get solutions from feeling stuck 

  • Move positive ahead with confidence

  • Deal with challenging relationships

  • Discover and achieve a work-life balance




Is Wellness Life Coaching Like Therapy or Counseling? No!


Dr. Fahey will help you experience: Encouragement to see things from a fresh perspective and to create options you might not have realized were there. The Wellness Life Coaching sessions are helpful in assessing your strengths, and areas of life that may positive development including uncovering your natural talents. Additionally, he we will help you explore a deeper meaning of inner messages and lessons to be learned from a spiritual perspective that relate to situations, relationships, and chronic problems in your life. That is, to help you see beyond limiting beliefs you may have of yourself or of your situation. He helps you expand your view and stretch to your full potential. Let Dr. Fahey help you discover the goals and visions you have for your life. He will work with you to help you choose the best path to achieve your dreams, your healing today. 


The Value of a Wellness Life Coach can be . . . Priceless!


Did you know that Tiger Woods has one.  So does Andre Agassi. Almost every college pro team, major league pro sports team and Olympic team has one.  Virtually every pro golfer and pro tennis player has one.


What do they have? A Coach. Now you too can. 




(1) Business Coach

Dr. Fahey holds advance degrees in education, wholistic nutrition, intuition research, and spiritual guidance that will help you get more positive mind/body energy management.

(2) Mental Game Coach

Dr. Fahey holds a Ph.D. in Training and Performance Improvement and provides business leaders with learning and development organizational strategies that lead to higher levels of success. He provides leadership coaching so you perform at peak performance.

(3) Autogenic Training Coach

Dr. Fahey is a highly-specialized coach who makes use of specific integrated and holistic mental training systems to provide performance enhancement for individuals that play a sport, but also for those in theater, music and other performance arenas. He is an educational specialist in hypnosis, meditation, and emotional intelligence response systems.

(4) Stress Management Coach

Dr. Fahey has over 40 years of experience helping thousands in private and group meetings vanquish fear, anxiety, and stress.

(5) Executive Coach

Dr. Fahey's coaching extends to CEOs, supervisors, managers and executives seeking problem-solving in the workplace, and for the purposes of leadership, team-building, and professional development issues.

(6) Personal Life Coach

Dr. Fahey holds a Masters degree in Education with a major in Counseling. He has an intuitive gift in coaching individuals to work on improving their lives, relationships, finances, health, fitness and general quality of life.

(7) Specialty Coach

Dr. Fahey has expertise in human resource program designing and helps people in specific areas to develop professionally such as sales, speaking, and customer service.

(8) Educational Relaxation Coach

Dr. Fahey is a Relaxation Response instructor. He has helped thousands practice the art of relaxation for healing.

(9) Positive Thinking Coach

Dr. Fahey authored Making a Good Life Great, the most educational mind changing volume of all! Through this work, one becomes aware of thoughts and how to make them work for manifestation a great life.

(10) Cognitive Restructuring Coach

Dr. Fahey is knowledgeable in the  applications of cognitive restructuring, a mind tool that involves changing thoughts and patterns of thinking so attitudes and mind sets are re-framed into desirable and intentional mental structures.

(11) Spiritual Coach

Dr. Fahey knows a great deal about global diversity and faith-based relationships.  As a legal ordained minister, reverend Dr. Fahey helps individuals better understand their soul and spiritual purpose in life and work.


True inspiration comes from those with great insight and experience.  Dr. Fahey is definitely one of those unique individual with this gift.

— Michael H. McGivern, Ph.D.

Organizational Development Specialist / Adjunct Professor


Many people struggle with change . . . with the help from Dr. Fahey, the path to success is clearly identified and made possible.

—  Patrick Duffin / VP Director of Operations

The John Ryan Company, Inc.


the fine print


Private sessions are by appointment only and subject to availability • Due to individual differences in client commitment and participation, no EXPRESS or IMPLIED warranties are given • All Terms and Conditions on Website Apply • Other conditions may apply

Wellness Life Coach Dr. Fahey

We worked with executives from:

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