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Upscale Hypnosis / Spiritual & Wellness Life Coaching
Re-motivation - Re-energization Sessions
Change is not easy. However, you are living proof one can move from good to great. Motivation to continue being successful in achieving personal goals can be affected by life experiences, including how you move through seasonal changes, the jobs we work at and with your relationships with other people, places and things. You have invested time, energy and expense to journey down a path leading you to success in all the six areas of your life.
Unlike many others just starting their mind, body, and spirit extreme makeover, you have advanced your life and are now eligible to begin facilitating a new series of advance private hypnosis and wellness life coaching “re-motivation - re-energizing” sessions. These ongoing personal, business, and or academic success life changing hypnosis and wellness life coaching sessions will specifically take into consideration your personal strengths and areas needing focus and development to improve the whole you to an even greater degree so you maintain HIGH mental energy, clarity, self-confidence and power over all that you think, say, and do on a daily basis.
The Remotivation/Reenergizing Sitting Process
The remotivation/re-energizing sitting process is a strategic intervention for people with a strong desire for extra support and educational wisdom about self-development through hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and personal, business wellness life coaching. The remotivation/re-energizing sitting process consists of 3 stages: (1) Exploration: of present life situations, (2) Hypnosis: induction with goal oriented focus, and (3) Achievement: analysis
Each remotivation/re-energizing sitting last approximately 20-25 minutes in length and is usually scheduled once every three (3) weeks. Private Skype group format remotivation/re-energizing sittings last approximately twenty-five (25-minutes), and are scheduled once every three (3) weeks for best response and outcome.
The Remotivation Educational Technique Defined
Dorothy Hoskins Smith, the professor from Claremont College, CA who developed remotivation, taught children’s literature to teachers. She developed remotivation from her knowledge of adult/elementary education and psychology. When she introduced re-motivation to a medical setting, she described it as an approach that focused on the well, healthy, unwounded aspects of the patient. As such, remotivators intentionally avoid the sick, unhealthy, wounded or problematic aspects of the person. Therefore, re-motivation can be applied in non-medical settings with well people. The methodology is an excellent process of motivating children and adults to learn. Additionally, the process can be used in health education to teach people to care for themselves, to prevent illnesses and to live more productive lives. Another important factor is that remotivation has also been used effectively as a method of normalization with persons with developmental disabilities.
About Reenergizing
Sometimes energy levels drop because of outside influences. Greater responsibilities and burdened with too much work and too little time become part of life? STRESS MANAGEMENT becomes a need as you continue your path to success. When enthusiasm wanes with the inability to cope with stress, the joy of experiencing daily success is sometimes lost. Thoreau reminds us that, "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm." "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm," says Emerson. Thus the new lecture series in Hypnosis Only: Remotivation Reenergizing Sittings. At the first hypnosis sitting, energy levels were high as you perhaps envisioned all the possibilities of growth and success to come. As time moves forward storm clouds of personal problems may become witnessed and obscure the summits of success. Thus a need to become remotivated and reenergized.
Recognize: The private/group sitting will help you to once again bring back what achievements you have made thus far and to know better what needs to be done to move ahead with confidence. To also know as you unwrap your true self, hypnosis can help you generate positive thoughts guiding you to improve your performance.
Empower: We will continue to address your strengths and other life experiences that may need attention and development and through hypnosis and self-hypnosis bring about the best outcome.
Focus: Hypnosis will be applied for fine tuning mental clarity and awareness of specific wants, needs and desires and to develop strategies for maintaining and achieving mind, body, and spiritual success.
Objectivism: Specific attention will be to continue channeling psychic energies for achieving performance targets.
Commit: Through self-hypnosis you reenergize your commitment for change.
Unburden: Learning to be yourself with joy and bliss as you succeed.
Surprise: Telling the world your true story of mind, body, and spiritual makeover.