Experience the BEST in educational spiritual or transformation hypnosis and self-hypnosis care. He teaches all about hypnosis and self-hypnosis so that you can be more successful. Discover what hypnosis is and how self-hypnosis can help you change your life NOW!
take control of
Are you sad, hurt or just out of sorts? What is peace of mind worth to you? If you need someone right now who truly knows how to listen beyond words, then look no further. Let drfahey help guide you. He has helped thousands just like you who are searching for more out of life. With over 40 years of experience, he can help you too. Dr. Fahey didn't just study hypnosis and positive mind dynamics, he wrote the book - See it!
stop talking
Let drfahey help you today!

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Private Sessions
Available NOW!
Online HouseCAllS*
$200 per person

SPIRITUAL Hypnosis Classes/Sessions
5-Weeks/5-25-minute visits
Stop Smoking $625
Lose Weight (5-Weeks) $625
Relieve STRESS (5-Weeks) $625
For Non-Medical Issues (5-Weeks) $625
Hypnosis Remotivation $200 - 25-minutes

Let's Talk

Your Greatest Self.
Spiritual Hypnosis & Wellness Life Coaching
Does your relationship need strengthening?
Are you drifting apart?
Are you aware of each others' goals and dreams?
Do you have a timeline for achieving them, together?
Wellness Life Coaching is not just for individuals. Clients who are in loving Couples Wellness Life Coaching experience better communications, increased insight and empathy for their partner. By working together, they build a better knowing of each other, and are able to attain their mutual goals more easily. The clients I am coaching are experiencing significant increases in their relationship skills, empathy and intimacy. Are you ready to start your new life today?
Hypnosis Classes.
Special Private and Online Classes & Seminars
Karaoke The New Master Class in Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis (10 Lectures) $200 per person - minimum 10 in attendance - Weekend Classes - 9am - 5pm
Past Lives (ongoing) $75
Open Hypnosis Lecture Q&A ($350) 90-minutes
Group Online Self-Hypnosis - Skype
HouseCalls (Limited Availability in Certain Areas - Traveling Fees Apply Beyond 50 miles from 33467 Zipcode)
I have been impressed with his ability, his determination, his powers of communication within the classroom atmosphere and likewise in a one-on-one situation. He relates well with others and is highly respected and well liked.
Vincent J. Patalano, M.D.
Chief of Surgery
VJP:ek (c) 1980
Dr. Fahey is a very unusual person. He is a highly intelligent, dynamic, self-motivated, industrious individual who makes things happen. Dr. Fahey is a highly positive, upbeat person with a wonderful sense of humor. He is also a wise, practical person who many come to for advice. What impresses me is that he intuitively knows when to listen and when to talk. Dr. Fahey is a skilled hypnotist and teacher. I have seen many people benefit from their association with him, whether it be student, client or friend.
Sandra Kosel, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Fahey has been a friend and colleague of mind since 1975. He is a nationally known and recognized teacher and authority on forensic and therapeutic hypnosis. His expertise in theory and practicum is respected by licensed professionals and law enforcement personnel. I strongly recommend his training
Ronald H. Rice
New England Legal Investigation
Certified Handwriting and Document Expert
If you are in a crisis situation, or if you are currently suicidal, or if you are experiencing sexual abuse, please contact your local hospital for a referral as these are not the kind of issues we handle at any time
You must be 21 years of age or older to use our services
The Rev. Dr. Robert Fahey, Ph.D., is NOT a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or any other known type of licensed professional that provides medical and/or psychological care
The Rev. Dr. Robert Fahey, Ph.D., does NOT provide any medical and/or psychological services. The educational spiritual hypnosis, life coaching, and Mind/Body/Spirit performance improvement consulting services (e.g. coaching, sittings, courses, lectures, training), given by Rev. Dr. Robert Fahey are derived from a spiritual context and are intended to be informative only and for the purposes of creating a greater awareness, understanding of the subject, and for generating positive motivation. The educational spiritual hypnosis, life coaching, and Mind/Body/Spirit performance improvement consulting services given by the Rev. Dr. Robert Allen Fahey do NOT provide any medical and/or psychological services to anyone, nor teaches anyone how to provide medical and/or psychological services on themselves or others.
Confidentiality: Be it known that your email address, personal information or the coaching sessions itself will never be discussed, sold, rented, shared, or given to anyone.
Rights: We reserve the right to refuse a spiritual hypnosis, and or coaching client or session that goes against certain ethics and morals.
Medical/Psychological/Legal Advice: Please seek a qualified healthcare professional if you are concerned about your health, have an illness/disease, or disorder as we do NOT give any medical and or psychological advise. Also, please see an attorney for any legal or a judicial matter, as we do NOT provide any legal advice.
Financial: Please seek only a qualified financial assistance from a banker, broker, or other financial institution if you have any financial concerns or any transactions, as we are NOT a financial consultant service.
the fine print
Private sessions are by appointment only and subject to availability • Due to individual differences in client commitment and participation, no EXPRESS or IMPLIED warranties are given • All Terms and Conditions on Website Apply • Other conditions may apply